Python / Cython wrapper for SDL 1.3


Programming, Python

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The most famous Python bindings for SDL is probably the PyGame project, but it’s oriented to the 1.2.x versions of the multiplatform library. There’s also PySDL by Albert Zeyer, which are automatically created from the SDL headers using a generator.

I tried to do the same for Cython, using an automated generator to parse header files and output a Cython sxd file. Sadly the tools for that are a bit green and they don’t quite work yet, so I’ve made a Cython header file handcrafted from SDL 1.3 headers containing the functions I need (There’s SDL, SDL_image and SDL_ttf functions in there). Based on it and the SDL source code it’s very easy to expand it, so contributions are most welcome.

Without further ado, SDL.pxd:

cdef extern from "SDL.h":
    ctypedef unsigned char Uint8
    ctypedef unsigned long Uint32
    ctypedef unsigned long long Uint64
    ctypedef signed long long Sint64
    ctypedef signed short Sint16
    ctypedef unsigned short Uint16

    ctypedef enum:

    ctypedef enum SDL_BlendMode:
        SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE = 0x00000000
        SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND = 0x00000001
        SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD = 0x00000002
        SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD = 0x00000004

    ctypedef enum SDL_TextureAccess:

    ctypedef enum SDL_RendererFlags:
        SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE = 0x00000001
        SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED = 0x00000002
        SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC = 0x00000004

    ctypedef enum SDL_bool:
        SDL_FALSE = 0
        SDL_TRUE = 1

    cdef struct SDL_Rect:
        int x, y
        int w, h

    ctypedef struct SDL_Point:
        int x, y

    cdef struct SDL_Color:
        Uint8 r
        Uint8 g
        Uint8 b
        Uint8 unused

    cdef struct SDL_Palette:
        int ncolors
        SDL_Color *colors
        Uint32 version
        int refcount

    cdef struct SDL_PixelFormat:
        Uint32 format
        SDL_Palette *palette
        Uint8 BitsPerPixel
        Uint8 BytesPerPixel
        Uint8 padding[2]
        Uint32 Rmask
        Uint32 Gmask
        Uint32 Bmask
        Uint32 Amask
        Uint8 Rloss
        Uint8 Gloss
        Uint8 Bloss
        Uint8 Aloss
        Uint8 Rshift
        Uint8 Gshift
        Uint8 Bshift
        Uint8 Ashift
        int refcount
        SDL_PixelFormat *next

    cdef struct SDL_BlitMap

    cdef struct SDL_Surface:
        Uint32 flags
        SDL_PixelFormat *format
        int w, h
        int pitch
        void *pixels
        void *userdata
        int locked
        void *lock_data
        SDL_Rect clip_rect
        SDL_BlitMap *map
        int refcount

    ctypedef enum SDL_EventType:
        SDL_FIRSTEVENT     = 0,
        SDL_QUIT           = 0x100
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT    = 0x200
        SDL_KEYDOWN        = 0x300
        SDL_MOUSEMOTION    = 0x400
        SDL_INPUTMOTION    = 0x500
        SDL_JOYAXISMOTION  = 0x600
        SDL_FINGERDOWN      = 0x700
        SDL_DOLLARGESTURE   = 0x800
        SDL_EVENT_COMPAT1 = 0x7000
        SDL_USEREVENT    = 0x8000
        SDL_LASTEVENT    = 0xFFFF

    ctypedef enum SDL_WindowEventID:
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_NONE           #< Never used */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN          #< Window has been shown */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN         #< Window has been hidden */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED        #< Window has been exposed and should be
                                        #     redrawn */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED          #< Window has been moved to data1, data2
                                        # */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED        #< Window has been resized to data1xdata2 */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED   #< The window size has changed, either as a result of an API call or through the system or user changing the window size. */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED      #< Window has been minimized */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED      #< Window has been maximized */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED       #< Window has been restored to normal size
                                        # and position */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER          #< Window has gained mouse focus */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE          #< Window has lost mouse focus */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED   #< Window has gained keyboard focus */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST     #< Window has lost keyboard focus */
        SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE           #< The window manager requests that the
                                        # window be closed */

    ctypedef enum SDL_WindowFlags:
        SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN = 0x00000001
        SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL = 0x00000002
        SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN = 0x00000004
        SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN = 0x00000008
        SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS = 0x00000010
        SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE = 0x00000020
        SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED = 0x00000040
        SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED = 0x00000080
        SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_GRABBED = 0x00000100
        SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS = 0x00000200
        SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS = 0x00000400
        SDL_WINDOW_FOREIGN = 0x00000800

    ctypedef enum SDL_RendererFlip:
        SDL_FLIP_NONE = 0x00000000
        SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000001
        SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL = 0x00000002

    cdef struct SDL_MouseMotionEvent:
        Uint32 type
        Uint32 windowID
        Uint8 state
        Uint8 padding1
        Uint8 padding2
        Uint8 padding3
        int x
        int y
        int xrel
        int yrel

    cdef struct SDL_MouseButtonEvent:
        Uint32 type
        Uint32 windowID
        Uint8 button
        Uint8 state
        Uint8 padding1
        Uint8 padding2
        int x
        int y

    cdef struct SDL_WindowEvent:
        Uint32 type
        Uint32 windowID
        Uint8 event
        Uint8 padding1
        Uint8 padding2
        Uint8 padding3
        int data1
        int data2

    ctypedef Sint64 SDL_TouchID
    ctypedef Sint64 SDL_FingerID

    cdef struct SDL_TouchFingerEvent:
        Uint32 type
        Uint32 windowID
        SDL_TouchID touchId
        SDL_FingerID fingerId
        Uint8 state
        Uint8 padding1
        Uint8 padding2
        Uint8 padding3
        Uint16 x
        Uint16 y
        Sint16 dx
        Sint16 dy
        Uint16 pressure

    cdef struct SDL_KeyboardEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_TextEditingEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_TextInputEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_MouseWheelEvent:
        Uint32 type
        Uint32 windowID
        int x
        int y

    cdef struct SDL_JoyAxisEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_JoyBallEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_JoyHatEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_JoyButtonEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_QuitEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_UserEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_SysWMEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_TouchFingerEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_TouchButtonEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_MultiGestureEvent:
    cdef struct SDL_DollarGestureEvent:

    cdef union SDL_Event:
        Uint32 type
        SDL_WindowEvent window
        SDL_KeyboardEvent key
        SDL_TextEditingEvent edit
        SDL_TextInputEvent text
        SDL_MouseMotionEvent motion
        SDL_MouseButtonEvent button
        SDL_MouseWheelEvent wheel
        SDL_JoyAxisEvent jaxis
        SDL_JoyBallEvent jball
        SDL_JoyHatEvent jhat
        SDL_JoyButtonEvent jbutton
        SDL_QuitEvent quit
        SDL_UserEvent user
        SDL_SysWMEvent syswm
        SDL_TouchFingerEvent tfinger
        SDL_TouchButtonEvent tbutton
        SDL_MultiGestureEvent mgesture
        SDL_DollarGestureEvent dgesture

    cdef struct SDL_RendererInfo:
        char *name
        Uint32 flags
        Uint32 num_texture_formats
        Uint32 texture_formats[16]
        int max_texture_width
        int max_texture_height

    ctypedef struct SDL_Texture
    ctypedef struct SDL_Renderer
    ctypedef struct SDL_Window
    ctypedef struct SDL_DisplayMode:
        Uint32 format
        int w
        int h
        int refresh_rate
        void *driverdata

    cdef struct SDL_RWops:
        long (* seek) (SDL_RWops * context, long offset,int whence)
        size_t(* read) ( SDL_RWops * context, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t maxnum)
        size_t(* write) (SDL_RWops * context, void *ptr,size_t size, size_t num)
        int (* close) (SDL_RWops * context)

    cdef SDL_Renderer * SDL_CreateRenderer(SDL_Window * window, int index, Uint32 flags)
    cdef SDL_Texture * SDL_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, Uint32 format, int access, int w, int h)
    cdef SDL_Texture * SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Surface * surface)
    cdef SDL_Surface * SDL_CreateRGBSurface(Uint32 flags, int width, int height, int depth, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask)
    cdef int SDL_RenderCopy(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_Rect * srcrect, SDL_Rect * dstrect)
    cdef int SDL_RenderCopyEx(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_Rect * srcrect, SDL_Rect * dstrect, double angle, SDL_Point *center, SDL_RendererFlip flip)
    cdef void SDL_RenderPresent(SDL_Renderer * renderer)
    cdef SDL_bool SDL_RenderTargetSupported(SDL_Renderer *renderer)
    cdef int SDL_SetTargetTexture(SDL_Texture *texture)
    cdef SDL_bool SDL_ResetTargetTexture(SDL_Renderer *renderer)
    cdef void SDL_DestroyTexture(SDL_Texture * texture)
    cdef void SDL_FreeSurface(SDL_Surface * surface)
    cdef int SDL_UpperBlit (SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect * srcrect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstrect)
    cdef int SDL_LockTexture(SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_Rect * rect, void **pixels, int *pitch)
    cdef void SDL_UnlockTexture(SDL_Texture * texture)
    cdef void SDL_GetWindowSize(SDL_Window * window, int *w, int *h)
    cdef SDL_Window * SDL_CreateWindow(char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, Uint32 flags)
    cdef int SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(SDL_Renderer * renderer, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
    cdef int SDL_RenderClear(SDL_Renderer * renderer)
    cdef int SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_BlendMode blendMode)
    cdef int SDL_GetTextureBlendMode(SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_BlendMode *blendMode)
    cdef SDL_Surface * SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(void *pixels, int width, int height, int depth, int pitch, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask)
    cdef int SDL_Init(Uint32 flags)
    cdef void SDL_Quit()
    cdef int SDL_EnableUNICODE(int enable)
    cdef Uint32 SDL_GetTicks()
    cdef void SDL_Delay(Uint32 ms)
    cdef int SDL_PollEvent(SDL_Event * event)
    cdef SDL_RWops * SDL_RWFromFile(char *file, char *mode)
    cdef void SDL_FreeRW(SDL_RWops *area)
    cdef int SDL_GetRendererInfo(SDL_Renderer *renderer, SDL_RendererInfo *info)
    cdef int SDL_RenderSetViewport(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Rect * rect)
    cdef int SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(int displayIndex, SDL_DisplayMode * mode)
    cdef int SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(int displayIndex, SDL_DisplayMode * mode)
    cdef int SDL_SetTextureColorMod(SDL_Texture * texture, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
    cdef int SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(SDL_Texture * texture, Uint8 alpha)
    cdef char * SDL_GetError()

cdef extern from "SDL_image.h":
    cdef SDL_Surface *IMG_Load(char *file)

cdef extern from "SDL_ttf.h":
    ctypedef struct TTF_Font
    cdef int TTF_Init()
    cdef TTF_Font *  TTF_OpenFont( char *file, int ptsize)
    cdef TTF_Font *  TTF_OpenFontIndex( char *file, int ptsize, long index)
    cdef TTF_Font *  TTF_OpenFontRW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc, int ptsize)
    cdef TTF_Font *  TTF_OpenFontIndexRW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc, int ptsize, long index)
    #Set and retrieve the font style
    #define TTF_STYLE_NORMAL    0x00
    #define TTF_STYLE_BOLD      0x01
    #define TTF_STYLE_ITALIC    0x02
    #define TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE 0x04
    cdef int  TTF_GetFontStyle( TTF_Font *font)
    cdef void  TTF_SetFontStyle(TTF_Font *font, int style)
    cdef int  TTF_GetFontOutline( TTF_Font *font)
    cdef void  TTF_SetFontOutline(TTF_Font *font, int outline)

    #Set and retrieve FreeType hinter settings */
    #define TTF_HINTING_NORMAL    0
    #define TTF_HINTING_LIGHT     1
    #define TTF_HINTING_MONO      2
    #define TTF_HINTING_NONE      3
    cdef int  TTF_GetFontHinting( TTF_Font *font)
    cdef void  TTF_SetFontHinting(TTF_Font *font, int hinting)

    #Get the total height of the font - usually equal to point size
    cdef int  TTF_FontHeight( TTF_Font *font)

    ## Get the offset from the baseline to the top of the font
    #This is a positive value, relative to the baseline.
    cdef int  TTF_FontAscent( TTF_Font *font)

    ## Get the offset from the baseline to the bottom of the font
    #   This is a negative value, relative to the baseline.
    # */
    cdef int  TTF_FontDescent( TTF_Font *font)

    ## Get the recommended spacing between lines of text for this font */
    cdef int  TTF_FontLineSkip( TTF_Font *font)

    ## Get/Set whether or not kerning is allowed for this font */
    cdef int  TTF_GetFontKerning( TTF_Font *font)
    cdef void  TTF_SetFontKerning(TTF_Font *font, int allowed)

    ## Get the number of faces of the font */
    cdef long  TTF_FontFaces( TTF_Font *font)

    ## Get the font face attributes, if any */
    cdef int  TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth( TTF_Font *font)
    cdef char *  TTF_FontFaceFamilyName( TTF_Font *font)
    cdef char *  TTF_FontFaceStyleName( TTF_Font *font)

    ## Check wether a glyph is provided by the font or not */
    cdef int  TTF_GlyphIsProvided( TTF_Font *font, Uint16 ch)

    ## Get the metrics (dimensions) of a glyph
    #   To understand what these metrics mean, here is a useful link:
    # */
    cdef int  TTF_GlyphMetrics(TTF_Font *font, Uint16 ch,int *minx, int *maxx, int *miny, int *maxy, int *advance)

    ## Get the dimensions of a rendered string of text */
    cdef int  TTF_SizeText(TTF_Font *font,  char *text, int *w, int *h)
    cdef int  TTF_SizeUTF8(TTF_Font *font,  char *text, int *w, int *h)
    cdef int  TTF_SizeUNICODE(TTF_Font *font,  Uint16 *text, int *w, int *h)

    # Create an 8-bit palettized surface and render the given text at
    #   fast quality with the given font and color.  The 0 pixel is the
    #   colorkey, giving a transparent background, and the 1 pixel is set
    #   to the text color.
    #   This function returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderText_Solid(TTF_Font *font, char *text, SDL_Color fg)
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(TTF_Font *font, char *text, SDL_Color fg)
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid(TTF_Font *font, Uint16 *text, SDL_Color fg)

    # Create an 8-bit palettized surface and render the given glyph at
    #   fast quality with the given font and color.  The 0 pixel is the
    #   colorkey, giving a transparent background, and the 1 pixel is set
    #   to the text color.  The glyph is rendered without any padding or
    #   centering in the X direction, and aligned normally in the Y direction.
    #   This function returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid(TTF_Font *font, Uint16 ch, SDL_Color fg)

    # Create an 8-bit palettized surface and render the given text at
    #   high quality with the given font and colors.  The 0 pixel is background,
    #   while other pixels have varying degrees of the foreground color.
    #  This function returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderText_Shaded(TTF_Font *font, char *text, SDL_Color fg, SDL_Color bg)
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(TTF_Font *font, char *text, SDL_Color fg, SDL_Color bg)
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded(TTF_Font *font, Uint16 *text, SDL_Color fg, SDL_Color bg)

    # Create an 8-bit palettized surface and render the given glyph at
    #   high quality with the given font and colors.  The 0 pixel is background,
    #   while other pixels have varying degrees of the foreground color.
    #   The glyph is rendered without any padding or centering in the X
    #   direction, and aligned normally in the Y direction.
    #   This function returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded(TTF_Font *font,
                    Uint16 ch, SDL_Color fg, SDL_Color bg)

    # Create a 32-bit ARGB surface and render the given text at high quality,
    #   using alpha blending to dither the font with the given color.
    #   This function returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderText_Blended(TTF_Font *font,
                     char *text, SDL_Color fg)
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(TTF_Font *font,
                     char *text, SDL_Color fg)
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended(TTF_Font *font,
                     Uint16 *text, SDL_Color fg)

    # Create a 32-bit ARGB surface and render the given glyph at high quality,
    #   using alpha blending to dither the font with the given color.
    #   The glyph is rendered without any padding or centering in the X
    #   direction, and aligned normally in the Y direction.
    #   This function returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
    cdef SDL_Surface *  TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended(TTF_Font *font,
                            Uint16 ch, SDL_Color fg)

    # For compatibility with previous versions, here are the old functions */
    #define TTF_RenderText(font, text, fg, bg)  \
    #    TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg)
    #define TTF_RenderUTF8(font, text, fg, bg)  \
    #    TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg)
    #define TTF_RenderUNICODE(font, text, fg, bg)   \
    #    TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded(font, text, fg, bg)

    # Close an opened font file */
    cdef void  TTF_CloseFont(TTF_Font *font)

    # De-initialize the TTF engine */
    cdef void  TTF_Quit()

    # Check if the TTF engine is initialized */
    cdef int  TTF_WasInit()

    # Get the kerning size of two glyphs */
    cdef int TTF_GetFontKerningSize(TTF_Font *font, int prev_index, int index)