Home Assistant Telegram VOIP addon


Home Automation, Python

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Home Assistant addons are Docker containers that run alongside HA on your home automation hub (in my case a Raspberry Pi 3). They are typically based on Alpine Linux, and beyond Docker basics they have a few HA specific permissions and option settings mechanism that are documented here.

Continuing from my previous post on how to make Telegram based VOIP calls, I created a Home Assistant addon to do such a thing. The addon uses the code explained in my previous post, in conjunction with an MQTT client so it can be controlled from any automation script. Please refer to the README for setup and usage information.

Since compiling tgvoip and especially tdlib on target on the Raspberry Pi is next to impossible, I also created a small Docker environment to cross compile these binaries and placed the result under revision control as well (never do this at home kids!). The binaries can be rebuilt by running armhf/build-armhf.sh in case you don’t trust me and have a couple hours to spare watching the QEMU based cross compilation slowly inch forward. All the other platforms supported by Home Assistant will build the Telegram related dependencies from source code.

The Python code itself is not that much complex than the example in the previous post. I’ve added MQTT management, call disconnection, etc.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Telegram VOIP calls via mqtt
# Gabriel Jacobo <gabomdq@gmail.com>
# https://mdqinc.com
# License: zlib

import logging
import argparse
import os
import json
import base64
from telegram.client import Telegram as _Telegram
from telegram.utils import AsyncResult
from tgvoip import call_start, call_stop
import paho.mqtt.client as paho_mqtt

mqtt = paho_mqtt.Client()

class Telegram(_Telegram):
    def __init__(self, mqtt_client, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.mqtt = mqtt_client
        self.code = None
        self.call_id = None
        self.incoming_call_id = None

    def _call_start(self, data):
        # state['config'] is passed as a string, convert to object
        data['state']['config'] = json.loads(data['state']['config'])
        # encryption key is base64 encoded
        data['state']['encryption_key'] = base64.decodebytes(data['state']['encryption_key'].encode('utf-8'))
        # peer_tag is base64 encoded
        for conn in data['state']['connections']:
            conn['peer_tag'] = base64.decodebytes(conn['peer_tag'].encode('utf-8'))

    def voip_call(self, user_id):
        if self._authorized and self.call_id is None and self.incoming_call_id is None:
            r = self.call_method('createCall', {'user_id': user_id, 'protocol': {'udp_p2p': True, 'udp_reflector': True, 'min_layer': 65, 'max_layer': 65} })
            self.call_id = r.update['id']

    def voip_call_stop(self):
        if self.call_id is not None:
            self.call_method('discardCall', {'call_id': self.call_id})

    def voip_call_answer(self):
        if self.incoming_call_id is not None:
            self.call_method('acceptCall', {'call_id': self.incoming_call_id, 'protocol': {'udp_p2p': True, 'udp_reflector': True, 'min_layer': 65, 'max_layer': 65} })

    def publish(self, topic, payload=""):
        self.mqtt.publish("telegram/" + topic, payload)

    def _tghandler(self, msg):
        #print ("UPDATE >>>", msg)
        if msg['@type'] == 'updateCall':
            data = msg['call']
            self.publish("call/%d/state" % data['id'], data['state']['@type'])
            if data['state']['@type'] == 'callStateReady':
                self.call_id = data['id']
                self.incoming_call_id = None
            elif data['state']['@type'] == 'callStatePending' and data['is_outgoing'] is False:
                # Incoming call
                self.publish("call/incoming", data['user_id'])
                self.incoming_call_id = data['id']
            elif data['state']['@type'] == 'callStateDiscarded':
                self.call_id = None

    def _send_telegram_code(self) -> AsyncResult:
        # Wait for the code to arrive via mqtt
        print ("Waiting for Telegram Auth Code via MQTT")
        while self.code is None:
        data = {
            '@type': 'checkAuthenticationCode',
            'code': str(self.code),
        return self._send_data(data, result_id='updateAuthorizationState')

def mqtt_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):

# The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server.
def mqtt_message(client, userdata, msg):
    payload = msg.payload.decode('utf-8')
    print(msg.topic+" "+payload)
    if msg.topic == "telegram/code":
        tg.code = payload
    elif msg.topic == "telegram/call":
    elif msg.topic == "telegram/call/disconnect":
    elif msg.topic == "telegram/call/answer":

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='Config File', default='/data/options.json')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--data', help='Data Directory (if not provided it will be configured from the options file)', default=None)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    with open(args.config, 'rb') as config_file:
        config = json.load(config_file)

    files_dir = args.data if args.data is not None else config['data_dir']
    files_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(files_dir), config['phone'])
    tg = Telegram(
                files_directory = files_dir,
                #use_test_dc = True,
                mqtt_client = mqtt,

    mqtt.on_connect = mqtt_connect
    mqtt.on_message = mqtt_message

    r = tg.get_chats()

    while True:

Also included in the addon are a few bug fixes and workarounds in libtgvoip proper to allow for multiple calls in one script session. In the upstream version of tgvoip, random UDP ports were chosen for each incoming call. However, if you restrict the UDP port to a single value (a requirement stemming from the fact that Home Assistant addons only get the ports you specifically ask for open, or you have to use the host_network setting, which is asking for trouble), tgvoip isn’t able to establish a second call, so that had to be fixed. A minor fix to build against musl (the libc variant Alpine Linux uses) was also applied.